“I like to think that I represent myself as a strong woman, so to work with other strong women I find very inspiring”
We often see a certain genre of kick ass girl power posts on social media, and we love seeing how you all embrace the empowerment of events such as International Women’s Day. It's so thrilling to see the emotion behind what being a female in the world today means to you all. It also gives us time to reflect on our own Girl Boss message and why it empowers us. And more importantly, what it means to the wider circle of career slaying women we look up to, support, and dedicate our message to.
We looked at the history of women putting their foot down over the lack of voting rights, equal pay and political representation. We looked at who we want to be for the women before us that led the way, and examined the legacy that should be the example for the girls following us.
And in the end? The answer was clear. We want to be #girlbosses. Let's smash glass ceilings, and change the rules. We want to see the end of women who didn’t have a voice and to say hello to successful, strong and sexy women who aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo and represent strong.
Women should have equal opportunities regardless of the gender. Sadly, even in an empowered and developed country like Australia in 2016 this is far from the reality.
It isn’t enough for women to just get to the top. In order to do so, we still need to work harder, receive less pay, and struggle against outside influences such as juggling work/family balance, gender prejudice and sexism.
So if you are the boss? Be a god damn girl boss. Be proud that despite the obstacles that exist even in current times, you made it. A woman's journey to the top is a long way off being equal to that of a man, so when you get there, or as you aspire to get there, show the world you made it as a strong, empowered, intelligent woman. Not a gender neutral ‘person’ or ‘boss’ but a Girl boss.
And why? Because you earnt the right be proud of what you have achieved, with the challenges you had to face, simply because you were born female. You earnt calling yourself a #girlboss, and you shouldn’t be made to feel it weakens your message by the inclusion of the word ‘girl’. Let’s make it really clear to the next generation : “girl” is not a dirty word. Not in the context of #girlboss, not in a workplace, not in a home. We didn’t fight this hard to be equal, to be told to remove the label girl from our declarations. The word ‘boss” has been owned by men for the last few centuries, so we certainly won’t apologize for rewriting it our own way.
Maybe one day, it really won’t matter what gender theoretically “ runs the world” and we all will share the power equally between men and women. But right now, honestly, it’s not the case. So until we do, you better believe that this group of ass kicking women will do everything they can to rewrite the history books, the language of corporate leadership and support our fellow girl bosses loud and proud.
CH xx
“Strong women. May we be them, may we know them, may we raise them”