No one wants to hear about your diet. Just eat your salad and keep being sad” 

Clean living. The buzz phrase of our lives right now.  Everywhere you look, it’s green smoothies, kale chips, paleo diets, a new version of an old yoga pose and it got us pondering the subject of self care and living the best version of you.

But what is that, and do we need all these Instagram acai bowls to achieve the mecca of healthy living? Here at Damselfly, we are a mixed bag in terms of our loving or loathing of some of these trends, but we all feel pretty balanced in our approach.

Our head honcho, CH, is a yoga loving almost vegan who can take you to all the best organic food stores in the hood. She lives a pretty damn clean life, but is also known to smash her face in with capricciosa pizza and eat her body weight in pasta when the mood strikes. Gasp.. Yep, she KNOWS that’s not vegan BTW.

Me? I’m a coffee addicted, cheese loving mother of a toddler, who will not miss my daily dose of wine during witching hour. At the same time, I’m obsessed with kombucha, my go-to dinner is salad & I spend the majority of my time outside in constant motion.

Does all this make us hypocritical in our approach? Hell no! We strive for a healthy balance of choosing when, and how we indulge without the guilt. We know when we are making less than ideal choices, but we enjoy the moment and move on.

If getting up at 5.15am to meditate makes you relaxed, then hell to the zen you should do it! Equally, if your version of mind cleansing is pulling on a mermaid onesie and binge watching Friday Night Lights whilst consuming pasta with butter and salt, then no sugar fearing Sarah Wilson type should turn you off, well.. what turns you on?

These days, we are all juggling a million balls in the air, and adding the guilt of trying to maintain a picture perfect diet adds to the strain. And that’s no way to align your chakras. You gotta treat yo self!

Our lesson? Find what you love, do it as often as you can, look after yourself, be good to your body most of the time, and eat the damn burger every once in a while… Because life is way too short to always say no.

Shay xx






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